Tuesday, 21 June 2011

a little bit awol / delayed fives

Oh what a week...

Hello hello. I am sorry for a week's absence - I even missed posting the Friday Fives for the first week in ages, and I hold my hands up to being a bit of a rubbish blogger. Excuses? Well apart from running around London and working hard as usual, I was also feeling a little under the weather (bit of a cold), a little sad (long story) and just generally very very tired - I think my 12-hours-a-day-out-of-the-house and out-all-weekend-every-weekend lifestyle finally caught up with me.
In truth, I think I was just too tired to blog, and felt like all my inspiration had gone (and that right there is the problem with an inspiration-based blog... when you're tired and the inspiration in your life goes, so do your blog posts!)

But it wasn't all bad last week, as you'll see below - because here are a few very delayed Friday Fives, presented to you with a little apology for lateness and a promise to be back on form from now on :)

Five Photos

  1. link

  2. link

  3. link

  4. link

  5. link

Five things that made me smile last week

  1. Going to a film premiere on Tuesday - lots of fun! Life in a Day is an amazing film; review to follow on the blog shortly :)

  2. Going to the ballet! I saw the amazing Romeo and Juliet by the Royal Ballet at the 02 arena, and it was just beautiful. We had some impressive seats (right by the stage!) and it most definitely rekindled my love for ballet all over again.

  3. My friend coming to stay with me for the night on Friday - was lovely to see her and catch up, gossip and giggle together

  4. More cocktails in teacups! Another trip to lovely London bar Bourne & Hollingsworth with some uni friends - it was lovely to see them!

  5. Making some very exciting plans with some very lovely friends - birthday plans, holiday plans, weekend mini-break plans...

5 things that I'm looking forward to this week:

  1. Seeing the amazing-sounding Merchants of Bollywood at Sadlers Wells on Wednesday night

  2. A little road-trip to Bristol this weekend to meet the boyfriend's parents. Ok, perhaps the meeting-the-parents part isn't exactly something I'm 'looking forward to', but Bristol itself should be fun?!

  3. Two days off work, and a three day week!

  4. Catching up with old close friends

  5. Celebrating my boyfriend's birthday with him on Thursday evening :)


  1. I love that ballet photo! I've never watched a ballet yet but I sure do hope to. Absolutely love ballet and just everything about it.

    Oh Claire, I know what you mean about being too tired to blog and that all the inspiration has run out. I feel it too on some days. But soon enough, you'll spring back up. :) It's normal!

    Meeting the boyfriend's parents! Should be fun! Hehe. I remember meeting my boyfriend's parents - I was excited yet nervous at the same time. Though Bristol sounds a lot more exciting. ;)

    Have a wonderful week, dearie! x

  2. Thanks for your comment! I think inspiration has kicked in again now and all is better now; I am definitely back in the swing of blogging :) Thanks for the encouragement! x


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