Friday, 8 January 2010

dream versus reality

These gorgeous, whimsical photos are from Vogue Germany's January 2010 shoot, "Holiday".

The photos are lovely, but I have to admit that it was the title of the shoot that made me choose to post it today. Taking a holiday somewhere warm (especially with the current weather situation in the UK!) is a bit like a dream to me at the moment. I've been working pretty much flat out over the entire christmas period on a stream of essays and readings and dissertation research, and, with lectures due to start again on Monday, I must admit I'm hardly feeling rested. Such is the life of a final year student, I suppose, but a huge wave of lethargy has suddenly hit me over the past couple of days. The thing I dislike most about being so exhausted is that I have no energy to be inspired by anything - do you ever find that, too? Hence the quietness over the past couple of days on the blog front. I need to find some inspiration again - although clearly the thought of a holiday did it! ;)


  1. Well, you're back on track now. The photographs and the idea of a holiday are lovely. Thanks for them!

  2. Photos are lovely. I wish I could be somewhere warm as I am getting sick of the cold weather.

    When you get busy you do stop thinking about blogging, usually when I am really busy at work blogging is the last thing on mind and I reduce my post amounts.

  3. oh these photo's are lovley!

  4. Gorgeous photos. They seem like a dream...

  5. beautiful photos. it's nice to see summery images in the darkness of winter

  6. these are incredible! i love the vintage feel to all of them. also i just really like your blog.

  7. I'm a typical female. When I eat ice cream I get motivated.

    Not just ice cream.

    Ice cream and listen loud to Simon and Garfunkel.

  8. These pictures are lovely!
    Enjoy reading your blog! All the Best!

  9. Lovely photos!

    It's a scorcher today at Down Under though, wish I was in the UK!

    Have a good weekend =)

  10. I just love your blog!So positive and creative!
    Sooo lovely photos!!
    Have a great week-end!

  11. i love the hate in the first photo. your blog is great!

  12. I know exactly how you feel. At least we have lovely blogs and photographs to escape to during the dreary winter.

  13. Are willing to become a follower of my blog?...Definately I'll visit yours often

  14. These photos are so lovely ! Good luck with all your work !

  15. I adore these photos, thanks for sharing!

  16. I absolutely love your blog! These photo's are gorgeous!

    Be sure to check out my blog... there's a suprise for you there!

  17. I love your blog!
    I like the way you think, I recognize a lot of me in it.
    And the pictures are beautiful.

  18. Thank you so much for your lovely comments - glad to see I'm not the only one who suffers from a lack of inspiration from time to time!

    @Meighan - aw thank you sooo much, what a wonderful surprise!! :)


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