Thursday, 14 January 2010

a splash of colour

When I stumbled across this gorgeous, colourful house, it really brightened up my day. I love the bright contrasts of colours, the floaty feminine dresses hanging up and, of course, the florals in the wallpaper designs. Could I live in a house like this, permanently? Probably not - I prefer things a little more serene. But, in the middle of winter, with more snow falling outside and a pile of essays and presentations to do, I could really do with a few days in this house; I doubt that anyone could fail to smile at its quaint, vivid charm.


  1. The bedroom looks very funky!

  2. It reminds me of a pop tart commercial. The commercial is always better than the actual box of factory made mess.

    There is so much colour and happy feelings involved in watching a kid bite the lightly toasted and chewy jam bar.... mmmmm pretty house....

  3. It's so pretty! Almost like a life-sized dollhouse!

  4. It looks like a box of sugared almonds. With flowery wallpaper. Really pretty, but as you say I couldn't live somewhere like that. :-)


  5. looks like a fairytale. tres belle!

  6. Simply gorgeous. Reminds me of a candy buffet. Or Alice in Wonderland.

  7. I agree. That bathroom is amazing!! What a fun house!

  8. Thanks for the comments; glad you all liked the house as much as I did!

  9. Beautiful!!

    and i want that pretty dress in the first photo.


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