Tuesday, 26 January 2010

: exhale

These photos are like a dream, aren't they? Such a feeling of exhaling, of rest and relaxation - exactly what I'm needing right now!

I feel bad that I haven't updated in so long and I hope none of you think I've abandoned my blog. That would never happen! ;) The truth is that I've been overwhelmingly busy this past week; as well as getting back into the swing of my last term of my degree, I had 5,000 words due in last Thursday and had to give an assessed presentation last Friday. All in all, a lot of work, and I've felt too exhausted to really do anything since!


  1. The first picture is absolutely beautiful. Where did you find it? I'd love to get a print of that picture for my wall.

    Good luck with all your coursework. I remember those days well!

    Kate x

  2. I love these pictures!

    I have no idea how to write an essay and such things. I'm good with numbers.


  3. Aww, I remember those days. My last semester felt like an endless sea of work. This is simply beautiful. I love stopping by here because there is always so much color and beauty.

  4. The flower picture is stunning! I can almost feel how fragile it is.

  5. I am just finding you ... my mouth is still on the floor from these gorgeous pictures!! Beautiful!! Can't wait to see more!

  6. These photos are def dreamy! They all go together so well.


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